Mountain trout

clean FISH farmING™

Driva Aquaculture Clean fish farming.png


DRIVA is committed to the concepts of minimal environmental impact farming and maximum biosecurity. The principles are simple, but execution requires attention to detail in every part of the value chain – also parts covered by suppliers. Every grand idea and fancy phrase about sustainability eventually boils down to the following five rules that every DRIVA facility must strive to follow

  1. Minimize resources used

  2. Protect the environment and don’t pollute

  3. Guarantee healthy products

  4. Protect facilities from decease and don’t spread any

  5. Fair and safe working conditions

These postulates constitute the core of the Clean Fish Farming philosophy. Implementation may differ between facilities according to available technology, utilities, access to water and local rules and regulations, but the postulates will always be our guideline. If any one of these postulates cannot be met – the facility will not get built.

To achieve a minimal environmental footprint we have a Clean Fish Farm approach meaning intake of water from our own groundwater wells, zero discharge to nearby watercourses, literally speaking a closed loop fish farm and a Circular Economy System.

Our Fish will have plenty of fresh water, optimal growth and living conditions, from our own groundwater sources.

Clean technology - achieving sustainability

Our fish will breed in vertically integrated aquaculture production and processing facilities using the most advanced land-based RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) technology.

Driva Aquaculture’s technology implementation is the most environmentally and sustainably available in terms of water consumption, emissions and energy consumption.